Location: The Matadero Cultural Center, Madrid, Spain
Client: Matadero Madrid: Contemporary Creation Center
Date: 2010
Status: Completed
Program: Physical ad Digital Participation
Scope: Architectural installation, App development

La Noche de los Niños (The Night of the Kids) was a physical and digital installation that broke barriers on both levels.

In the physical realm, the installation was held at the Matadero, a cultural center popular among the intellectuals, artists and adults of Madrid. La Noche de los Niños sought to flip the script, making Matadero accessible for all – especially those who previously did not have a dedicated space there: children. A playful space was created – one where balloons bounced around and a live event was held for kids to play and share new toys. The physical event acted as a pilot experience for a city-wide toy exchange through the web platform we were launching at the time.

A digital layer helped activate the installation and bring the young participants together. We developed a platform that allowed kids to see the toys of their peers and propose exchanges among themselves. These exchanges promoted sustainability as well, encouraging kids to find new homes for treasures they had outgrown. The app and web platform extended beyond the Matadero, aiming to link kids all over the city so they could share toys and make new friends.


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