Client: IADB – Emerging and Sustainable Cities (ESC)
Date: 2017 – 2018
Status: Completed
Program: Urban strategy to activate the historical center of Hermosillo. Participatory process through onsite and online activities.
Scope: Urban strategy plan including 27 pilot projects. Architectural design of the pilot project Banco de Ideas.

Idea hermosillo GIF, sueña, piensa, siente

The project Idea Hermosillo arises from the challenge of Initiative for Emerging and Sustainable Cities, whose aim is to develop urban studies and projects in order to create a long-term vision and support the sustainable growth of emerging cities in Latin America and the Caribbean. The initiative prioritizes the areas with the greatest impact in terms of qualities and sustainability, such as historical centers. Hermosillo is one of the chosen cities to implement the ICES methodology.

Idea Hermosillo Civic Engagement by Ecosistema Urbano

After a detailed analysis of the context using municipal sources, studies, and reports related to the historical center of Hermosillo, we have worked in collaboration with citizens, different agents, and local institutions. Their opinions, impressions, ideas, and comments were collected and analyzed, becoming key to the development of the design strategies.

Digital tool Local In for Civic Engagement by Ecosistema Urbano

Our Local In web platform for participatory processes has been customized for the project and used during the onsite activities. Several workshops, thematic meetings, and surveys helped us to have a deeper understanding of the local context and to receive key suggestions and ideas.


Idea Hermosillo identifies a series of strategic lines that address the challenges that the city center will face in the coming years. These strategies include actions that can be taken in the short, medium and long-term, together with the implementation of the Pilot Projects. The aim of the Plan is to make the historical center more lively, active, well connected, green, and innovative.


Idea Hermosillo Pilot Project

The Pilot Projects consist of specific actions that stake the principles, the methodologies, and the agents involved in urban development. These are, in general, innovative management and physical intervention proposals that, due to their location, symbolic load, qualities or implementation, could become representative elements of future development and inclusive local planning.


One pilot project consists in the transformation of the Banco de Ropa (former storage for clothes donation) into the Banco de Ideas. The new programs that will find a place in this building, together with the activation of the adjacent outdoor spaces, will transform the Banco de Ideas into an urban catalyst, actively contributing in the urban revitalization of the historical center of Hermosillo. The mixed and open program of the Banco de Ideas will find flexible spaces inside the building, as well as temporarily in the adjacent parking.

You can see all the details of this project in the following documents:



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