Client: FutureBuilt. Oslo kommune. Norway.
Date: 2013
Status: Competition
Program: Make the Oslo Region one of the best cycling regions in Europe.
Scope: Digital application and physical intervention.
Get a Bike. Break free! proposal combines the physical and virtual spaces of the city in a simple, resource-efficient approach that aims to connect the social, economic and cultural life of the city to the bicycle as a means of transport. In this way, it can be developed as a complementary action to other cycle-friendly measures.
‘Bikeline’ is a new way of helping cyclists make the most of their cities. The ‘augmented bike lines’ are very simple yet striking visual cues that guide the rider along safe and interesting itineraries. However, their true power is unleashed by using a mobile app that shows equivalent ‘virtual lines’ and adds relevant, exclusive and updated information.
Bikeline provides quick answers to the most common concerns of an urban cyclist:
— How can I get easily and safely to…?
— Great, I found a bike lane, but…where is it taking me to?
— Oh, no… Where can I find a bicycle workshop?
And it brings to your handlebar a whole new range of possibilities for interaction with cultural activities, local businesses and other cyclists. You will get to know and love your way around the city!
Visual signs painted on the ground to guide cyclists through the city. Visible for everyone, they attract attention, saying: Here’s something to help you!
An application that recognizes the path you’re following and displays complementary information.
‘Augmented bike lines’ will make specific information, services and special deals available for cyclists.