Client: Secretaría Nacional de Cultura
Date: 2014-2015
Status: Completed
Program: Participation strategies to involve different actors in the Master Plan for Asuncion Historical Centre
Scope: Design of workshops, definition of the tools, communication, logistics.
As part of the Masterplan of the Historical Center of Asunción, several participatory activities were undertaken. Each activity was designed to involve specifically precise actors and stakeholders. This is a selection of the accomplished workshops we organized and coordinated:
1: #labCHA
A two-week workshop with Architecture students that consisted of several activities, as mapping the Historical Center, proposing and carrying out urban actions and getting onto the streets establishing a dialogue with the local community.

2: ASULAB Workshop
What is ASULAB and how does it work? People representing local institutions and citizens associations were invited to share ideas about the possibilities of the Masterplan for the Historical Center and to define the features and future management of the ASU LAB, the “Bureau de Change” that will assume the role of communication and mediation between citizens and institutions, allowing the best interaction between them.

3: Chacarita Workshop
After an urban drift through the streets of Chacarita neighborhood, we held a series of meetings in which neighbors shared the challenges and potentialities of the area, brainstorming to propose solutions and to envision ways of making them happen.

4: Meetings, presentations and gatherings
As part of the participation process, we organized and carried out a series of meetings, presentations, and gatherings with different stakeholders (politicians, city and government officials, developers, civic associations, creative citizens,…) to communicate the urban strategies within the Master Plan, let them participate in the process of transformation of their city, involving them actively in the project and creating new networks and connections between active and creative groups of citizens.

Here you can have a look at the complete Flickr gallery of the activities.